Shigenori Murata, PhD (DPhil, Oxford)
Spiritual Consultant, Lifestyle Coach (CTACC), Scholar, Writer
Dr Murata holds a PhD from the University of Oxford, UK, in modern Japanese Zen philosophy.
Drawing upon his extensive academic and experiential research on deeper states of consciousness, he helps clients to develop their spiritual practice and discover greater fulfilment at work and deeper meaning in their lives as a whole. He connects theories of oneness with the actual achievement of happiness in people's lives.
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Originally from Japan, he has lived in many regions of the world. This rich international experience contributes to his flexible, non-judgmental attitude towards his clients. He lives with his wife, Dr Brenda Boyd, in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Drawing upon his extensive academic and experiential research on deeper states of consciousness, he helps clients to develop their spiritual practice and discover greater fulfilment at work and deeper meaning in their lives as a whole. He connects theories of oneness with the actual achievement of happiness in people's lives.
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Originally from Japan, he has lived in many regions of the world. This rich international experience contributes to his flexible, non-judgmental attitude towards his clients. He lives with his wife, Dr Brenda Boyd, in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Areas of specialisation [[as a scholar
- Theory of meditation, deeper states of consciousness 瞑想研究 深い意識 宇宙意識
- Nishida philosophy, modern Japanese Zen philosophy 西田哲学 絶対的矛盾的自己統一
- Emptiness (absolute nothingness) 空 絶対無
- State of unity, deep happiness, and oneness 統一 深い幸せ ワンネス
- Zen 'satori', and shamanic experiences of oneness 悟り 比較宗教哲学 シャーマニズム
大宇宙の中では、すべてが妨げがなく自由に溶け合い交流している。 全ての出来事や物事は、独立して存在していない。 深い宇宙の物事や出来事と、この現象界の出来事や物事は実は常に共存し溶け合い繋がっている。
山は山であって山ではない。 山は山でないから山である等と、一見不思議な論理で仏典などで表現される事もある。
一念 三千